BitTorrent tracker - it's a site where Users spread description of the file (movie, games, etc.), as well as a special generated file . Torrent, which contains a number of metadata - from user's IP to size of the file and its hash.
The idea is that the other participants in the site did not download the information itself, but this torrent file and have the IP links to download files from other users, as soon as the user download a movie or a game, he immediately becomes the "distribution" and his IP becomes highlighted in the system, communicating with others about another source of information.
Thus, the very site does not store the materials, so it is impossible to apply the laws on possession and distribution of materials, and no copyright infringement.
Creating Tracker
Nowadays the Internet is full of engines for torrent trackers, most of them are free. I have some experience, so I change free on my own engine to make my site more unique and enhance its usability, but this does not prevent me from 2 years to use free solutions.
For example - I now have a TBDev tracker, which is a bit miserable, but with literate setting able to serve 40 thousand people a day, under heavy load - server crashes and the site is unavailable.
Monetization of Labor:
The first method:
Sample: www."any torrent tracker".com
Decision: We hang banners or link units, as is usually done in the Internet, torrent tracker is available worldwide.
Pros: with a large number of visitors earnings may reach 15-20 thousand per month.
Cons: Rights holders may ask you to close the distribution of their property, and I have to obey it, in fact no violations of the law, but unlike these companies - I do not have lawyers and rights holders will close my site for a year before the court decision.
Second method:
Sample: My local tracker - available to users with specific IP (certain providers in my region), on provider's site should be a link to my torrent tracker.
Decision: Provider pays me hosting a dedicated server in Germany + 90-100 thousand per month on his hands.
Why pay: everything is very simple - as a result, all users download from each other, the provider does not pay money to a higher service provider, all information is considered as a local traffic, which is very convenient to all providers, every film as about 1.6 GB, can you imagine what the savings goes, if subscriber pays, provider pays nobody, but only a little to me - because I support my site.
Pros: tracker only for local users - the rights holders cannot do anything… users are satisfied - all new products can be downloaded.
Cons: few users, can't hang advertising, and if the ISP wll get tired of me - i'll stay with huge bills for hosting and all the useless site, whose services have to be sold to other providers, which is actually very difficult.
This solution is very difficult technically, but if you'll do it seriously, if you're ready to invest in a project your own free time, and constantly improve the quality - you will get your reward.